| 24 February 2025
What is COSHH?
Working in the healthcare environment you have a duty to keep your patients safe and free from harm. However, in doing so, you need to know that your health is not being put at risk, and you’re able to work in a safe environment.
An important aspect of maintaining a safe working environment is ensuring the safe storage, handling, and disposal of chemicals and substances that are harmful to human health.
What does COSHH stand for?
COSHH stands for the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health. This is a key piece of UK legislation that requires employers, by law, to protect their employees from exposure to dangerous substances. When working within the healthcare sector, it’s important that you receive COSHH training (and updates) relevant to your role and responsibilities.
Health regulations and COSHH
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 is just one of the acts of legislation in place to protect both you and people you care for.
Various materials and substances found in the workplace can pose risks to your health. These may include dust, gases, or fumes that you inhale, as well as liquids, gels, or powders that come into contact with your skin or eyes. Additionally, certain micro-organisms can be present, potentially causing infections, allergic reactions, or toxic effects. Health issues resulting from exposure to these substances are preventable. While many of these materials have the potential to cause harm, they’re generally safe when handled and used correctly.
Substances not covered by COSHH:
COSHH does not cover the above substances as they have their own specific regulations.
Identifying hazardous substances and associated risk
Exposure to hazardous substances should be minimised and you should receive training in how to handle these substances safely and how to deal with accidents and spillages according to the COSHH regulations.
It’s important that, as a nurse or healthcare assistant, you’re aware of all substances used in your workplace and their associated risks to health. You should perform a COSHH risk assessment for every chemical or substance that you use or come into contact with during your working day.
- Go through the working day and walk around the ward or nursing home to identify any hazardous substances, i.e. ‘risks’, e.g. cleaning fluids, medicines, blood products, chemical waste.
- Identify how these risks could cause harm, e.g. burning if in contact with skin.
- Check the accident book to highlight any common risks.
- Assess what jobs can lead to exposure. For example, cleaning up bodily waste with bleach.
- Document how can you reduce the risk of harm occurring.
All of these risks need to be assessed, and policies drawn up, so that every member of staff knows how to act when they come into contact with a chemical, substance or associated risk.
Hazard checklist
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have a helpful hazard checklist:
- Does any product you use have a danger label?
- Does your process produce gas, fume, dust, mist or vapour?
- Is the substance harmful to breathe in?
- Can the substance harm your skin?
- Is it likely that harm could arise because of the way you use or produce it?
- What are you going to do about it?
- Use something else?
- Use it in another, safer way?
- Control it to stop harm being caused?
What is exposure limit?
Exposure to any hazardous substance is when it enters the body via breathing it in, through the skin, via injection, or swallowing.
Thousands of different substances are used in nursing and healthcare every day. There are 500 substances that have what is known as Workplace Exposure Limits (WELs). You can find out if your workplace uses any of these substances and how to manage them on the HSE website.
Accidents, incidents and emergencies
All wards or care home must have policies in place to manage and report accidents in the workplace. This means having the correct equipment to hand, the correct protective equipment, the trained staff to deal with an incident, and the correct arrangements in place to safely deal with the removal of waste.
All accidents and incidents need to be documented in the accident book and relevant authorities informed as indicated by workplace policy and procedures.
What are biological agents?
The control and management of biological agents are particularly relevant within the hospital and nursing home environment.
Biological agents cover all bacteria, fungi, viruses, and prions. Biological agents must be monitored and contained as they can be harmful to humans by causing disease.
It’s important that you quickly identify the bacteria or virus and to follow local policies and procedures to stop the spread of infection and to give treatment. This overlaps with Infection, Prevention and Control practices.
The role of health surveillance
Health surveillance is a series of health checks that are carried out in a hospital or nursing home when there has been exposure to chemicals or substances that are harmful to health. For example, a viral outbreak on a ward that could expose both healthcare staff and patients to that virus and cause disease.
Health surveillance allows better control of the situation, helps to evaluate risks, and can help to shape further education and training.
COSHH for nurses and healthcare assistants
There are two main areas that are important for nurses and healthcare assistants:, those of the safe disposal of sharps and the management of clinical waste. ‘Sharps’ are items that may cut or puncture your skin, e.g. needles.
- A sharps injury occurs when a needle or scalpel penetrates the skin.
- Sharps injuries are a major source of occupational transmission of bloodborne viruses, e.g. hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
- If you have a sharps injury you must follow your organisational protocol, even if you think the risk of contamination is negligible.
- To prevent sharps injuries all sharps must be disposed of correctly into designated sharps bins. Needles must never be re-sheathed.
Management of clinical waste
- This can include blood, vomit and medical swabs and supplies that contain bodily fluids.
- All clinical waste must be disposed of in the correct clinical waste bin and is usually placed into labelled clinical waste bags that are tied securely with a clip.
- It’s important to closely read your clinical waste policy and follow all procedures for its safe removal.
- When dealing with bodily fluids and the removal of clinical waste, it is vital that personal protective equipment (PPE) is worn at all times. This includes gloves, aprons, mask and goggles, depending on the level of exposure and if the bodily fluids are infectious.
eLearning for COSHH
COSHH training is essential for all healthcare workers. This course provides an overview of the relevant regulations, identifies substances that can be harmful to health, and outlines the responsibilities of both employees and employers. It also covers best practices for maintaining a safe and healthy workplace.