Identify and describe the core capabilities to deliver safe and effective services
We will work with you and key partners to identify core capabilities – the knowledge, skills and behaviours – for safe and effective practice.

Investing in future roles for better patient outcomes
Core Capabilities frameworks are offered as guidance and good practice for the development of the current and future workforce. The frameworks have many practical applications and benefit the healthcare sector by:
Support to identify the key skills and knowledge for roles and teams
Provides healthcare employers with standardised descriptions of role requirements
Helps with ongoing planning and design of content for training to enhance learning outcomes
Enables the commissioning of education and training for healthcare staff throughout the UK
Provides the ability to conduct robust training needs analysis for your future workforce
Supporting ongoing service re-design and new ways of working for the healthcare sector
Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Capability Framework
The North West Cancer Alliances and Health Education England (HEE) have commissioned Skills for Health to develop a Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) capability framework in the North West to inform the development of a national framework. The project is scheduled to run throughout 2021, leading to a launch of the framework in early 2022.
National Wound Care Core Capability Framework for England
The National Wound Care Strategy Programme (NWCSP) has commissioned the development of a new core capabilities framework for health and care staff involved in wound care in England. The framework will describe the required skills, knowledge and behaviours to improve wound care in three clinical areas (Pressure Ulcers, Lower Limb and Surgical Wounds).
Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP) Credentials for Healthcare Professions
Developing and retaining the Advanced Practice workforce is a strategic priority for the NHS. The NHS Long-Term People Plan recognises the potential of advanced level practitioners meeting short term and long-term workforce demands; whilst the NHS Interim People Plan is heavily supportive of scaling up and delivering new roles and models of advanced level practice.
Remote, Rural and Humanitarian Healthcare Capabilities Framework
We are working in partnership with The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Faculty of Remote, Rural and Humanitarian Healthcare to develop a capabilities framework. The Faculty was established in response to the need identified within both industry and the public health arena to define, review and set standards of competence for organisations as well as medical and non-medical personnel delivering healthcare in remote and rural environments.
Primary Care & General Practice Nursing Career & Core Capabilities Framework
The Primary Care and General Practice Nursing Career and Core Capabilities Framework will support Health Education England to achieve the aims of the ten-point action plan. The Framework provides a standard and greater clarity on the scope of practice for nurses working within primary care and general practice settings.
Multi-Professional Advanced Capabilities Framework for Lower Limb Viability
Health Education England commissioned this Lower Limb Advanced Clinical Practice Capabilities Framework to support development and planning of the workforce, to inform the design of curricula and the delivery of education and training programmes. A steering group comprising key stakeholder organisations (including the College of Podiatry and practitioners from across the UK) led the development process.
Book a free initial consultation
Our specialists can meet you virtually, or face to face, to discuss Capabilities Frameworks you need to support the future workforce.
Framework development insights and articles
Read specialist insight pieces from some of the health sector’s leading experts – or download brochures, case studies and reports from the Information Hub.