Six Step Methodology

Referenced in the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan

Our Six Step Methodology to Integrated Workforce Planning® is a practical approach that ensures you have a workforce of the right size with the right skills and competences.

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Mapping your need to make the method work (for you)

The Skills for Health Six Step Methodology identifies those elements that should be in any workforce plan, taking into account the current and future demand for services, the local demographic situation, and the impact on other services, whilst helping you work to the budget you can afford.

A robust strategic process that delivers

Six Step Methodology is tried, tested and recognised as the healthcare sector’s approach to strategic workforce planning, and can be mapped to any healthcare workforce need both clinical and operational. Our experts work closely with leaders in the NHS and national bodies to robustly prove that Six Steps can help build the future workforce that the public needs, by:

  • Ensuring a systematic practical approach, supporting quality patient care

  • Assures that workforce planning decisions are sustainable and make real impact

  • Offering scalable solutions, applicable to any workforce, in any organisation

  • Being joined-up with national workforce programmes, other NHS Trusts and social care organisations

What can Six Step Methodology do for you?

Six Step Methodology, developed by our experts in healthcare workforce strategy helps employers: define a plan that will make a real impact, map the services needed to deliver exceptional patient care, realise the workforce needs to achieve better outcomes, understand workforce availability from local and regional data, plan a process to develop the future workforce, and implement and review the effectiveness of your new team. With the right support, Six Steps can transform healthcare ensuring the right people, are in the right roles, with the right skills, crucially at the right time.

Integrated tools and solutions

We work directly with leading NHS bodies, employers, private healthcare providers, and social care organisations to ensure that the outcomes of workforce development and strategic planning projects are designed to empower you to upskill, recruit and retain a sustainable workforce and healthcare service fit for the future.

Book a free initial consultation

We have specialists who can meet you virtually or face-to-face to discuss how to best implement Six Step Methodology to enhance your workforce strategy. Find out how we can help develop your integrated workforce to meet the needs of the future.

Who else we’ve helped

Hundreds of healthcare organisations across the UK trust us as their partner to deliver effective workforce planning solutions. Read our case studies below.

Skills for Health’s Six Step Methodology builds into the process of workforce planning essential elements to ensure the quality of services are both discussed and planned for.

David Withers, Head of Education, Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Workforce development insights and articles

Read specialist insight pieces from some of the health sector’s leading experts – or download brochures, case studies and healthcare research reports from the Skills for Health Information Hub.