Jon Restell
Board Member
Chief Executive, MiP
As chief executive of MiP, Jon takes responsibility for the strategy and performance of this specialist union for health and care services managers and senior staff. Managing a team of national officers, he acts as lead media spokesperson, negotiates with employers at national level, and works to influence ministers, civil servants, and other policy makers.
Jon became MiP’s first member of staff when the organisation was founded in 2005 and now also acts as secretary of the MiP national committee, accountable to members of UNISON and FDA executive committees, and attends UNISON’s health service group executive on behalf of MiP. He represents MiP members on a number of national NHS forums and working groups, including: the national Social Partnership Forum, Strategic Group of the Social Partnership Forum, Workforce Issue Group, a sub-group of the Social Partnership Forum (as co-chair), NHS Pensions – Scheme Advisory Board, and the Workforce Race Equality Standard – Strategic Advisory Group
Taking a special interest in leadership development, Jon focuses particularly on the value of good line management and has tutored leadership programmes for middle managers. Throughout his career, he has developed particular expertise in pensions, working to improve workplace culture and diversity, especially in building resilience among union members. Jon is trained in using Future Search events to bring diverse groups together to co-operate and plan for the future and is interested in exploring approaches to strategic development for engaging everyone.