Aspirant Cancer Career and Education Development (ACCEND) Framework released


By Skills for Health | 26 January 2023

Career Pathway, Core Cancer Capabilities in Practice and Education Framework

This Career Pathway, Core Cancer Capabilities in Practice and Education Framework for the Nursing and Allied Health Professions Workforce (the ‘Framework’) has been developed as part of a UK wide programme called the Aspirant Cancer Career and Education Development programme (ACCEND).  The ACCEND programme aims to provide transformational reform for the career pathways and associated education, training, learning and development opportunities for the workforce providing care to people affected by cancer.

Purpose of the Framework

To support the development of the workforce providing care to people affected by cancer by providing guidance on:

  • routes to working and career progression in cancer care
  • the core cancer related knowledge and capabilities in practice for pre-registration nursing and allied health professions providing general cancer care and specialist services/roles across the UK nations
  • the range of learning, development, training and education opportunities to meet the requirements and aspirations of the cancer workforce
  • enabling and supporting employers and systems to deliver high quality services to people affected by cancer by supporting workforce transformation

Download the Framework from NHS Health Education England.

About Skills for Health

Skills for Health is a not-for-profit organisation committed to the development of an improved and sustainable healthcare workforce across the UK. Established in 2002 as the Sector Skills Council for Health for the UK health sector, it is the authoritative voice on workforce skills issues and offers proven solutions and tools, with the expertise and experience to use them effectively.


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