Join us for national Learning at Work Week

Learnig at work week

By Skills for Health | 28 April 2021

We are thrilled to announce that we are an official national activity partner of Learning at Work Week, the biggest festival of workplace learning in the UK which is taking place from 17th – 23rd May 2021.

What is Learning at Work week?

The Learning at Work Week (LAW Week) annual awareness campaign has taken place every May since 1999, organised by Campaign for Learning, a national not-for-profit organisation that promotes lifelong learning. LAW Week is a unique event aimed at building learning cultures at work by shining a spotlight on the importance and benefits of continual learning and development.

All organisations are invited to get involved, using free resources and ideas provided by Campaign for Learning, enabling learning & development colleagues to run creative, innovative, and inclusive activities linked to a theme, and promoting learning at work.

This year’s theme is Made for Learning which focuses on our human capacity to learn. It’s based on raising awareness around how we can be great lifelong learners and the importance of connection and community for developing empowered people and dynamic organisations.

As the Sector Skills Council for Health for nearly 20 years’, it has always been, and will continue to be our main goal to provide guidance, support, learning tools and resources to our healthcare workforce. We believe information sharing is critical, and we are delighted to be one of the UK’s most trusted sources for health-related guidance to help our healthcare teams develop better skills, better jobs, and better health.

We will be running a number of exciting activities for LAW Week so watch this space for more information on these coming soon!

In the meantime, we hope you enjoy dipping in and out of our resources below:

Cost-effective, quality assured e-learning. Our suite of online, interactive, mobile-first training courses that fulfil statutory and mandatory training and enhance learning outcomes.

LearnSpace is a hassle-free, online learning management tool that perfectly tracks learning progress, based on Totara Learn. Making it easy for staff to access learning at any time and easy for managers to progress training needs to meet organisational compliance and skills development goals.

The Information Hub, is a user-friendly online centre providing our NHS, health and social care people with freely available resources, guidance documents, standards, and frameworks.

Our workforce and leadership experts can help you with unlocking staff potential, promoting equal access to learning and improving key skills development, training, and service re-design within your organisation. Case Study – Clinovia a member of Bupa, Case Study – Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust and Case Study – Northumberland, Tyne, and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

Contact us today if you have questions about any of our learning tools or if you want to speak to our experts within workforce development, leadership, and quality assurance.


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