Lovegrove on Health – Podcast episode #12 – Launch of the Non-custodial Career and Competence Framework


By Skills for Health | 9 August 2023

In our latest podcast, Andrew Lovegrove is joined by some of the key names that were instrumental in developing the new  Non-custodial Career and Competence Framework. This framework forms part part of the NHS England Health and Justice Inclusive Workforce Programme, which aims to ‘improve the recruitment and retention of a larger, more diverse, inclusive and representative workforce for all Health & Justice services and programmes’.

In this special podcast, Andrew is joined by Rosemarie Simpson, Senior Consultant at Skills for Health, Glyn Thomas from the Health and Justice Team at NHS England and Michael Blakey, Specialist Clinical Lead at Cumbria, Northumberland and Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust.

The guests discuss the vital importance of delivering vital health services and quality care in a justice setting, some of the current challenges of this work, and what their hopes and expectations are of this framework in overcoming these challenges.

You can listen to the new episode of our series below.

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Skills for Health is a not-for-profit organisation committed to the development of an improved and sustainable healthcare workforce across the UK. Established in 2002 as the Sector Skills Council for Health for the UK health sector, it is the authoritative voice on workforce skills issues and offers proven solutions and tools, with the expertise and experience to use them effectively.


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