Lovegrove on Health – Podcast episode #9 with Libby Potter (Health Education England) and Vanessa Taylor (University of Huddersfield)


By Skills for Health | 24 January 2023

The latest episode of our podcast series – Lovegrove on Health is now available.

Andrew Lovegrove, Senior Consultant at Skills for Health is joined by special guests Libby Potter, Head of Portfolio at Health Education England and Vanessa Taylor, Director of Practice and Care Partnerships at University of Huddersfield.

Andrew talks to Libby and Vanessa about the launch of a new career pathway, core capabilities and education framework aimed at those providing care to people affected by cancer.  Developed as part of the UK-wide Aspirant Cancer Career and Education Development (ACCEND) programme, the podcast covers the elements that make-up the framework, its purpose,  hopes and expectations, and what the quick wins might be to support the workforce challenges currently impacting the cancer care workforce.

You can listen to the new episode of our series below.

It’s also available on Spotify, Apple and Google so you can listen on the go. This includes the ability to download or listen to podcast content offline, at your convenience.

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About Skills for Health

Skills for Health is a not-for-profit organisation committed to the development of an improved and sustainable healthcare workforce across the UK. Established in 2002 as the Sector Skills Council for Health for the UK health sector, it is the authoritative voice on workforce skills issues and offers proven solutions and tools, with the expertise and experience to use them effectively.


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