What’s new in Totara 14?


By Skills for Health | 23 November 2021

Earlier this year, Totara launched the highly anticipated release of Version 14, for Totara Learn. As a Totara partner, specialising in healthcare compliance training, we are excited to see what the new functionality and features would mean for NHS and healthcare learning and development.

Now available as LearnSpace, our learning management system, based on the Totara Talent Experience Platform, can offer the unrivalled new features available in V14 to help managers improve quality learning pathways and core skills training compliance.

This latest release from Totara brings a whole host of improvements to Totara Learn, Totara Engage, and Totara Perform, as well as sitewide improvements applied to the full Talent Experience Platform.

What can the Totara 14 LMS offer?

Across all products, there are three new changes to multitenancy, including the ability for tenant administrators to create audiences (within their tenant), a technical change that makes tenant-specific settings possible for custom themes, and the ability to set default images (such as resources and course images, etc.) at the tenant level.

Furthermore, launched together with our new compliance dashboard on LearnSpace, Managers can access real-time compliance reports and view live data to understand who in the workforce is compliant with the CSTF.

There are also improvements to scheduled reports that mean if a report contains no data, then it will not be sent. This will prevent a blank attachment from being sent.

LMS Compliance Dashboard by Skills for Health

What’s new for learning and development with Totara Learn?

Some exciting changes for notifications have happened in Totara Learn (specifically for programmes and certifications). This new approach makes it possible to trigger notifications based on “notifiable events.” As part of the new approach to notifications (starting with programme and certifications for Totara 14) there is now the ability to have multilingual content as well as email branding for your notifications.

Another Totara Learn feature being improved is the seminars activity, which not only provides you with the ability to use the “Declare interest” setting with the seminar direct enrolment plugin in Totara 14, but also adds two new integrations for Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

Totara Learn will also see improvements to the assignment and course membership status report sources, which each gain new columns. For the assignment report source, this is a column with a direct link to the assignment submission to help with review/grading. Then for the course membership report, there is a new current enrolment status column.

There have also been several updates to Totara Engage and Totara Perform.

We work with NHS Trusts and private healthcare organisations to tailor our learning and development solutions to meet your needs. Whether you simply need robust compliance reporting for stat/man elearning, or the complete Totara 14 solution.

We’ll work as your trusted partners providing additional support services such as learning consultancy and system training, to drive L&D performance and enhance learning outcomes for healthcare staff.

With over 20 years of experience in compliance learning, we’ll help you get the most out of LearnSpace LMS, and improve workforce effectiveness by reducing admin, and creating more time for patient care.

LearnSpace, based on the Totara Talent Experience Platform is a flexible learning management system to deliver elearning for health employers. Find out more about what’s new in Totara 14, from Skills for Health.


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