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Mental Health Core Capability Framework


This new Mental Health Core Capability Framework has now been published. It was developed in response to public and voluntary services across Hampshire & Isle of Wight (HIOW) experiencing an unprecedented increase in people experiencing mental health and wellbeing issues following the pandemic.

Nationally and locally, the focus on parity of esteem for those experiencing mental health challenges has seen increased awareness and demand for services. With the increased demand, comes a need for people working in communities to have more confidence, skills, and knowledge to support those experiencing mental health issues.

A Mental Health Training Needs Analysis undertaken in 2022 revealed that many individuals from housing officers, receptionists, nurses, managers, pharmacists, and medics across HIOW struggled to identify what training and development they needed and/or find resources.

As a result, HIOW worked with Skills for Health and an Expert Reference Group, to develop the Mental Health Core Capabilities Framework. Its development has been designed to support people across a range of sectors including the police, housing and the voluntary sector, as well as health, to identify the capabilities they require for their role, and then the training and development needed.

Purpose and scope of framework

The framework will:

  • Provide a consistent, accessible, and up-to-date mental health core capabilities framework. This will allow for the development of a ‘shared’ language to describe capabilities, training, and development across sectors.
  • Give people across HIOW a framework to use when talking about their personal development needs, to increase confidence and skills.
  • Support the development of job descriptions, or role profiles for people working in VCSE, health and care, offering consistency, and ability to develop shared standards.
  • Support Commissioners in conversations about service development, or new services.

Although the framework was developed by HIOW it was consulted on nationally and has a wider application.

Download the framework



Click here to download
the Framework.