Six Steps Methodology® planning checklist
Easy to follow checklist for the Six Steps Methodology to Integrated Workforce Planning®
Developed from the training programme and the full methodology document, the checklist provides a quick reference guide of the key considerations of each of the steps in workforce planning. Use this document to help with your planning, ensuring that you reflect on and incorporate the level of detail you need to effectively plan your workforce needs. The structured document is presented as a series of questions that you can use to produce your plan, or to test it once it has been completed.
The checklist is intended as a brief guide – the context and explanations behind each step are not included in detail. To ensure robust workforce planning is in place or to develop maturity in this area, Skills for Health can provide in-depth explanations, real-world examples to add context, and where needed facilitate discussions and enhance learning. Our training programmes are certified and CPD eligible. We can also review and revise existing workforce plans, or create them on your behalf.