Skills for Health supporting NHS workforce management

Skills for Health supporting the NHS

By Skills for Health | 11 February 2021

Skills for Health are proud to continue to roster, train and support the NHS workforce across the UK during these challenging times. All healthcare providers are experiencing increased demand for care. Our solutions maximise efficiency of workforce deployment, while maintaining compliant rotas and rosters. Our specialist rostering consultants provide professional advice, support and training. We enable effective management of complex clinical rotas and rosters.

Meet our remote rostering consultancy team and see what our customers have to say about them.

We are here to support NHS workforce management with a wide range of services such as: 

  • Build operational rosters – We have designed completely new rosters for our customers whose time has been overtaken by the pandemic. A 30-minute consultation from our rostering team can support in designing new rosters
  • Upload rotas into the system – Our team have helped customers design rotas, with schedules ever changing there is a need to recheck compliance and pay
  • Account management – We support our customers in managing their DRS and rostering accounts in a more efficient way
  • Create roster extensions – Several customers have paused or postponed their February rotation. Our experts have updated rosters and helped generate compliant interim rosters made necessary by the change in rotation date
  • Exception reporting management – We support our customers in ensuring that exception reporting data is accurate, and staff can create and manage their exceptions efficiently
  • Multiple rota analysis – Our team have collated multiple rotas to provide detailed analysis reports of pay and compliance
  • Data cleansing – We can cleanse and re-design rosters
  • Training and consultancy webinars – Our specialist rostering consultants are available to provide learning and development sessions. We continue to support all aspects of the software. We are always happy to train any new staff and we can deliver remote sessions using Skype, Teams and Zoom

Get in touch to find out how our remote rostering consultancy team can support you.

Find out more about Realtime Rostering, Doctors Rostering System (DRS), or download the Rostering brochure here.



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